October 19, 2017: lecture to vet students at the Purdue Vet School:

Comment from an attendee: “I very much enjoyed your talk and was glad I could attend. I thought your content was relevant and useful. The addition of your stories helped to make it more memorable.”

Another comment from an organizer: “We enjoyed hearing your stories and it really brought to light some mistakes that new grads make. It is so helpful to hear from a vet who has been through it and who can tell us these first hand stories. We really appreciate you sharing your valuable advice that will undoubtedly help all of us in the future!”

Comment from an attendee: “I like Dr. Zeltzman’s stories, they provided concrete evidence and kept me engaged. I also liked that he didn’t harp on one topic too long, we kept moving.”

October 7 & 8, 2017: 6 hours of lecture at the Cornell Vet School:
To technicians: How to be a SuperTech
To young vets: How to be a kicka$$ociate; What I did right, what I did wrong.
To vets: C-sections (part 1 &2); How to promote your surgical services

September 9, 2017: TTA Rapid course instructor (1 of 2) in New Orleans, LA.
Comments from attendees:
“Very professional”
“Excellent program”
“Very relaxed presentation”
“Wet lab was VERY good”
“Love the intimate meeting”
“Great real case discussions”

6-3-17: TTA Rapid course instructor (1 of 2 surgeons) in Seattle, WA
Comments from attendees:
. “Great course, excellent instructors”
. “Both of the surgeons gave excellent and practical advice for any surgery on the stifle”
. “Very well done”
. “Best CE I have ever been to”
. “Thanks again for the great course in Seattle earlier this month. I enjoyed the format and felt that it was one of the most educational CE courses I’ve been to in a while.”
. “This was one of the best CE courses I’ve taken. I hope you continue to teach.”

April 2017

Organized the 5th VIP trip (www.VeterinariansinParadise.com) for vets and techs in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Topics included:
. Blood transfusions
. Low-stress handling of cats & dogs
. Anesthesia & monitoring
. Recent literature updates
. CPR update/RECOVER initiative
. Providing excellent care to ICU patients
. Treatment of hyperthermia
. Open wound management
. Preventing and fighting hypothermia
. How can techs provide excellent patient care?

March 2017

Invitation for a lecture series in Shanghai, China about:
. Orthopedic surgery
. Soft tissue surgery
. Cancer surgery
. Cosmetic surgery
. Arthritis
. Caring for critical patients
. Management and marketing

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