October 9, 2019: 1 hour presentation on the SWAB™ personality test (PA).

September 20, 2019: All-day workshop on passive income investing and retirement planning (PA).

August 23, 2019: 1 hour workshop at Uncharted Veterinary Conference on finances (Kansas City).

August 22, 2019: 2 hour presentation on the SWAB™ personality test (Kansas City).

May 2019: 1st edition of S3

“Huge THANK YOU for making this meeting happen. It was really fantastic - I'm a tough critic, and I was so impressed with every part of it. The amount of thought and effort for every detail was clear, and setting an atmosphere of respect and cooperation from the start made it feel very positive throughout.
I feel lucky that I could recognize it would be a don't-miss kind of event in time to be part of it."
Dr. BA

"The S3 meeting was a wealth of knowledge - whether you are considering mobile surgery, a new startup or years of experience providing mobile surgical services. An excellent group of professionals with a common goal. Looking forward to cultivating friendships with our practice partners and colleagues."
Dr. GL

April 27, 2019: Presentation at Uncharted Veterinary Conference on delegation.

April 26, 2019: 2 hour workshop at Uncharted Veterinary Conference: “Blogging like a boss.”

April 26, 2019: 1 hour workshop at Uncharted Veterinary Conference on Entrepreneurship.

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