Moten's Story of Forearm Fracture

Moten, a 4 year old Lab, had a bad humerus (forearm) fracture after being hit by a car. The bone was repaired with a big metal plate, a pin and some screws.

Three months after surgery, his owner, NB writes:

“Hi Dr. Zeltzman, Just want you to know Moten is doing well. (…) He is 99% back to normal. (…) Thank you for all you have done for him.  You truly worked a miracle!”

Trudy, a 10 year old Rottie, has a front leg amputation because of a cancerous tumor, fibrosarcoma, in the radius bone of her forearm.  She had had 2 TPLOs before that, to treat ACL tears in both knees.  Her owner VJ writes:

“Dr. Zeltzman,

We just wanted to give you an update on Trudy. She is doing really really great! We are shocked as to how quickly she has become adjusted to functioning with only 3 legs. Although we have tried our best to keep her activity limited she has still attempted to run, jump up, and climb stairs. Her wound, although not so appealing to the eye, looks like its healing very well. There was no drainage and minimal swelling. We can’t wait until she gets her stitches out and can take that awful cone off her head. I think that is what most annoys her! Thank you again for taking extremely great care of her for the third time now. Hopefully, she’ll be able to keep her last leg intact and we won’t need your expertise once again. We can’t thank you enough!

Most Respectfully, VJ and Family.”

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