Socks' Story of Broken Femur

Socks, an 18 month old cat, broke her femur (thigh bone).  Her owner, SM, writes:

“Dear Dr. Zeltzman,

I would like to take a moment to thank you for everything that you have done for my baby, Socks. (…) After she had jumped from my arms and landed on the floor, I realized that she was in a lot of pain (…).

Socks needed quite extensive surgery to repair her leg, and later another surgery to remove the pin in her leg. After speaking with you several times on the phone about what was to be involved with both surgeries, I can't say enough about how you put my mind at ease.  Your true love for animals came through in your words of compassion, understanding, and commitment.  Socks could not have had a better surgeon to perform her surgeries. And I am so thankful that you were close and available to do them. You even drove in a snowstorm to do the second surgery, now that is commitment! (…)

Again, I want to sincerely thank you for everything that you have done for my baby, and to let you know how fortunate we are to have you as our surgeon.”

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