Gimley's Story of Fractured Humerus and Nerve Damage

Gimley, a 3 year old kitty, had a fracture of the left humerus (the bone in the arm).  He also had nerve damage. Instead of giving up and amputating the leg, we took a chance: we repaired the bone with a plate and multiple screws, and we repaired the nerve!

Three months after surgery, Gimley’s owner, JS, writes: “He seems to be doing extremely well!!! I de-crated him the first week in January and all appears great. He has become very active, very social (as he always was) and happy. He limps only slightly on the "bad" leg... mostly after extended activity. (…)

Thank you for the terrific surgery on Gimley and all the follow-ups. You and Cyndi both are top-notch professionals and just wonderfully sensitive and caring people. I was lucky.... Gimley was lucky to have had you as his doctor!!! Thank you...”

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