Kane's Story of Anal Sac Cancer

Kane is an 11 years old Akita/Shepherd mix who had surgery to treat anal sac carcinoma (cancer) almost 2 years ago.  However this is typically an aggressive disease.  His owner LW writes:

“Hi Dr Zeltman,  Just wanted to let you know that Kane will be walking in the “Bark For Life” Cancer Society event this Saturday 06/12/2010. It is taking place in Schnecksville, PA.

I will let you know how he does.  Thank you again for giving Kane a second chance at life. You are an amazing surgeon. Kane is living proof of that!  He is living each day to the fullest and loving every minute of it.”

Kane is a 10 years old Akita/Shepherd mix who had surgery to treat anal sac carcinoma (cancer) 1 year ago.  His owner LW writes:

Hi Dr Zeltman,
(…) Kane (participated) in the American Cancer Society Bark for Life relay on Saturday Sept 19, 2009 (at Ontelaunee Park in New Tripoli, PA).

It was just about a year to the day that you performed his surgery for anal sac cancer. (…)
Kane and another dog that goes to Valley Central, Conrad, led the cancer survivor dogs in the first lap at the relay. They walked while the theme from Rocky played and they both looked so proud to be walking together.

I was so proud of Kane. He is a one year cancer survivor. They gave him a 2009 survivor pin and bandana to wear.

It truly brought me to tears walking him in that relay. I am so lucky to have him. I wanted to thank you and let you know how grateful I am to you and everyone at Valley Central for giving Kane a second chance at life. He is loving life and enjoying everyday. The cancer society organizers told me he might even be in their 2010 calendar.(…)
Thank you so much for believing in Kane and giving him a second chance. I hope he will be walking in next year's Bark for Life relay.
Thank you again”

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