Zoe's Story of Bone Cancer

Zoe, an 11 month Old English Sheepdog, had a very bizarre mass on her right back leg. Her whole leg was bright red!  However, her biopsy revealed a “classic” osteosarcoma, or bone cancer.  Her leg was amputated, and then she received chemo. Eight months later, Zoe was still doing well, but a mass on her belly started to impair movement of her left back leg. So it was removed. The biopsy revealed… a benign fatty tumor. 

Zoe is an 11 year old Old English Sheepdog who had a very unusual type of osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in her right tibia (shin bone).  She had a leg amputation, then chemo.  RR, the owner of our 7 month cancer survivor, writes:
“Dear Dr. Carter, Dr. Zeltzman and the entire staff of Valley Central:
We can’t thank you enough for the extra time you’ve given us with Zoe.  It’s been 7 months since her surgery and we’ve treasured every moment of it.  We count our blessings every extra day she’s with us.  Just know how much we appreciate everything you’ve done to increase her quality of life and ours.”

Exactly 1 year later, her owner RR sent this very nice anniversary note:

"We just wanted to say Hi and let you know that Zoe is doing GREAT.  It now has been one year since Zoe's surgery!  Not a day goes by that we don't think of all of you and how grateful we are that you were able to give us another year with Zoe.  She's simply amazing, and so are you."

Against all odds, 18 months after the amputation, Zoe’s owner, RR, writes this very nice message – proof yet again than dogs can do very well on 3 legs:

“Hi Dr. Zeltzman,

It has been 18 months since you diagnosed Zoe with osteosarcoma and amputated her right hind leg.  Zoe is still going strong.  We are planning on celebrating her 13th birthday on June 1st.   Who would have thought she'd still be here after all she's gone through!

The mass on her belly has not come back.  She is doing great.  Every day with Zoe is a bonus.

Even though we met under some pretty stressful circumstances, and you had to give us a devastating diagnosis, we really appreciated you getting Zoe thru some pretty tough times.  I wouldn't do it any differently, if I had to do it again!

I'm hoping that when it is her time to go, I'll be able to handle it a little better, just knowing that I did everything I could to keep her comfortable and happy.  She's one amazing dog.

Can't thank you enough....”

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