Fuzzy Butt's Story of Dog Attack and Tibia Fracture

Fuzzy Butt was a young cat who was attacked by a large dog. The top of her tibia (shin bone) was shattered.  It was fixed with a stainless steel “T-plate”, a pin and a wire near Chicago, during my residency in 2001.  Nine years later, her owner CP tracks me down and writes:

“Dear Dr. Zeltzman,

It has been many years since you saved our kitty Fuzzy Butt’s leg, but we have never forgotten you. I think the year was 2001 in Illinois. You were at Surgical Referral Service in Buffalo Grove, IL. Our cat got bitten by a very large dog and her leg was badly broken. It took 3 surgeries and 11 months but you saved her leg. You told me “she came in with 4 legs, she is going out with 4 legs”. You never gave up on her.

I just wanted to tell you that she is doing great. We have moved out to Phoenix Arizona 4 years ago. (…) While waiting at her new vet, I was reading a magazine about pets, “Tails” and there is a column called Furry Forum and someone asked a question and you answered it. When I saw the name Dr. Phil Zeltzman, I thought it has to be my Dr. Zeltzman so I looked up your web site and sure enough it was you.  I hope all is going well for you and I just wanted to thank you again for all you did for Fuzzy Butt and to let you know we think of you often. I don’t even know if you will remember us after all these years as I am sure hers was not the only leg you have saved in your life!

Needless to say she is not fond of Doctors, although if she could talk I am sure she would say you are her hero! I know you are mine, I can't thank you enough for what you did for her. 

Thank you again.”

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