Gettysburg's Story of TPLO

Gettysburg, a 13 year Husky, is truly a fighter, as his owner JR explains.

“Dr. Zeltzman,
You operated on our Siberian Husky Gettysburg twice, once when he was 11 years old for a TPLO and again last July when he was 12.5 years old for bloat (GDV) I wanted to let you know he is doing well for a now 13 year old dog and we are very grateful for your compassionate care and guidance throughout the surgical and recovery process.
I am not sure any of us believed he would survive the GDV but he proved us all wrong. I was saddened to hear you are no longer at Valley Central Referral. I don't know what we will do in the future without your skills. I hope you will remain in the area and let us know where we could seek treatment with you for the serious health issues at which you excel. Our family is grateful for the two years you extended our dogs life so far and we look forward to many good days yet to come. You have our sincere gratitude.”

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