Buttercup's Story of Laryngeal Paralysis

Buttercup, a 10 year old Golden, had laryngeal paralysis, a condition of the throat that causes serious difficulty breathing.  Three months after surgery, her owner JN writes:
"Dear Dr. Zeltzman:  I wanted to thank you again for performing the larynx surgery on Buttercup.  My husband and I are so deeply grateful and thankful for your expertise, insight and surgical skills and being able to correct Buttercup's condition.
Buttercup is a NEW dog!  She can breathe, and normally.  She is 10 and a half years old but has renewed energy and stamina.  Having lost some weight, she is back in her dog-walking mood.
We continue to watch her closely, and always will, but now we can look forward to taking her camping and on vacations.
Most sincerely and thankfully yours."

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