Recchi's Story of Left Cheek Mass

Recchi, an 8 year old Sheltie, had a large mass on his left cheek that encompassed both jaws.  Despite the odds of cancer and the difficulty of the surgery, the mass and part of the jaw were removed... and it turned out to be benign (osteochondroma)!
His owner PS writes: "Dear Dr. Zeltzman and Team: We want you to know how appreciative we are of all that you do and have done for us and Recchi.  It was a relief to work with a doctor who was straightforward with us, and helped us to understand what may happen.
Recchi is healing well and has even started to play ball.  It is awesome to have him doing so well.  I would also like to say that, as nervous as I was, everytime I spoke with a team member I felt that I was being listened to and cared for as much as Recchi.
Thank you for the check up calls and the post surgery calls, they meant a lot.  So again, thank you Dr.  Zeltzman ,  OR  staff, front desk and all assistants who helped Recchi and our family. We will always be grateful."

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