Ellie's Story of Slipped Disk

Ellie is a 10 year old Greyhound who had a slipped disc in her neck (between C6 and C7). Surgery quickly relieved her pain. Her owner MS writes:
"Words cannot describe our gratitude for what you have done for us.  Every day we have Ellie we owe to you and your staff."

5 months after surgery, MS writes:

“(…) Her life is basically normal and she can do pretty much anything she used to.  About the only thing we have cut out is her riding in my truck.  The height is too much for her to jump in and particularly out of.  She can physically do it, but I think she pays a price afterwards.  I tried a ramp, but she didn’t think too much of that idea...  It’s OK, in the big scheme of things, it’s a non-issue.  We’re just happy to have her.”

"Dear Dr Zeltzman, Thank you for operating on our dog, Ellie, and saving her. You are a wonderful doctor and have a great concern for the owners of their pets, too.

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