Chopper's Story of Laryngeal Paralysis

Chopper, a 13 1/2 year old Bulldog, was presented with a severe case of laryngeal paralysis. MS, his owner, really thought it was time to say goodbye. However, 4 months after we did surgery, MS wrote a long and very touching letter: 
"(.....) In walks Dr. Zeltzman. He introduces himself to all of us and proceeds to explain Chopper's condition and the surgery that can be performed. My first question was "Is Chopper too old for this surgery?"   Dr. Zeltzman answered "Age is not a disease". That's all it took for me.
On Friday, April 27th, 2007, Chopper had surgery, and on Saturday April 28th, I picked up my best friend and brought him home.
Yesterday, Chopper and I returned to the cemetery for our first walk since his surgery. Chopper got out of the car and ran like a puppy again. (...) I want to thank all of you for giving me back my best friend. Chopper is 13 1/2 years old. Who knows how long he will be with me, but as Dr. Zeltzman said, "Age is not a disease".  Whether Chopper is with me another year or another 5 years, I will cherish every moment we have now, thanks to all of you.
(...) If you are wondering about the cost, or whether your pet is just too old, I am telling you this, you are among miracle workers and people who care.  Dr. Zeltzman , you are truly a super hero in my book, thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I am sure Chopper feels the same.
We are going for a walk now".

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