Autumn's Story of TPLO

On July 29, 2007, I received the following incredible email.  I usually summarize thank you cards and letters, but I feel that this one deserves no cuts!

"Dr. Zeltzman,
I was happy to find your e-mail address through the internet. I have wanted to tell you how wonderful Autumn, our yellow lab, has done from the TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) that you performed April, 2006 and to thank you.
Autumn's right knee was in very bad shape. Dr. KP had told us to be prepared that she might only be with us about 6 months. He later referred us to you and we are very thankful for his referral. We were impressed not only with the high quality of surgery and care, but also that you were in continuous communication with us and Dr. KP throughout the surgery and recuperation. We were so determined that this surgery would be successful that we followed your instructions exactly. 
She can run (although we limit that activity), walks up and down stairs with all 4 legs moving in progression, gets up from a sitting or lying position with ease, and appears to move better than she had in years. We think this knee had been an ongoing problem for her for many years. And she has gone from 87 lbs to 70 lbs on a diet of half R/D, half J/D. She remains on a joint medication. On her check ups, Dr. KP is always amazed at how good she is doing and how well the knee moves (and at her weight loss which has contributed to her well being).
Although you were not in Cincinnati at her last checkup, we had wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all you did for Autumn, who means so much to us. We talk about how fortunate we were that you were in Cincinnati when Autumn needed her surgery.
We hope all is going well in your new practice. Although our area is definitely at a loss with your relocation, we hope that your skill and expertise will continue to help small animals for many years to come.
With deepest appreciation,
Middletown, Ohio"

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