Sprout's Story of Cancer of the Shoulder Blades

Sprout, a 13 year old cat who looks like 3, was affected by a fibrosarcoma between his shoulder blades, a horrible cancerous tumor. He needed a pretty invasive surgery. BA writes: "(...) We are so grateful to you and your amazing skill as a surgeon. He’s doing great. Dr. H (an oncologist) doesn’t feel he needs any chemo based on the results of his biopsy. She just suggests a recheck every 3 months. Sprout’s hair is growing back a little more each day!"
A year later, BA writes: "Happy Anniversary! It’s been a year since Sprout’s cancer surgery (...). He’s doing great (...). He’s just a happy, healthy cat (...). I truly believe if it wasn’t for your skill as a surgeon combined with your obvious love of what you do, this story might not have had a happy ending. We will forever be grateful to you! (...)" Enclosed is a picture of a Garfield-looking kitty sleeping on the stove!!!

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