Ming's Story of Car Accident, Pneumothorax, Wounds, and Recovery

Ming, a 2 year old Lab was hit by a car. She was somewhat lucky since she has no broken bones. But she did have a pneumothorax (free air in the chest) and multiple open skin wounds, a few small ones and a very large one around the ankle. Her owners AW and TW sent this incredible thank you note after Ming went home all recovered:

“Dear Dr. Zeltzman, We could never thank you enough for saving Ming’s life. You are an extraordinarily gifted surgeon, and an even better person! We deeply appreciated your support and accessibility during her recovery. It was truly a blessing to have you care for her, and we will always remember you with gratitude and respect.”

A few months later, Ming’s owners, AW and TW write: “We are so thankful to have our crazy Ming with us over the Holiday and we owe that to you.”

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