Chase's Story of Salivary Mucocele Removal

Chase, a 10 year old Greyhound, had a salivary mucocele, which is swelling under the skin due to a buildup of saliva. Chase never read the book though: his swelling was in an unusual location, and it was smack in the middle, rather than off to one side. We removed a salivary gland on the right side (actually, 2 glands). The swelling took several weeks to go away. About a month after surgery, Chase’s owner IM writes:

“Dr. Zeltzman, Chase had his three week follow-up, and at the time, there didn't seem to be much improvement. Our Dr. said it might take a little more time, and sure enough, a few days later the fluid accumulation went away and he looked like his old self and didn't cough while eating.

There is still a little loose skin, but I wanted to show you how much better he is and thank you for the care you gave him. It was well worth it to know he is healthy again. You did a great job.”

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