Titan, a scary story with a happy ending

Titan, a 3 year old Rottie, was very sick. He was diagnosed with an intestinal blockage. He had belly surgery and we found an area in his small intestine that was very distended. It turns out that he had licked a huge amount of his own hair, which had caused the largest hairball I’ve ever seen! About a foot long section of his intestine had to be sacrificed. He thankfully recovered very nicely and quickly. His owner WM writes:

“From the bottom of our hearts we want to thank Dr. Phil Zeltzman, Surgeon, the veterinarians and staff of BAEC, for the great care our 3 year old Rottie “Titan” received while under their loving and devoted care. He had to undergo major abdominal surgery on Friday with no promise he would pull through. He came home on Sunday and is quickly getting back to his same old self. Now we call him the "Million Dollar" dog, but it was well worth the price.”

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