An amazing note after TECA surgery

Pepper, a 9 year old Cocker, has had repeated ear infections. He presented to me with terrible, smelly, infected, rock-hard ears - what we call end-stage otitis. The only realistic solution at that point is a surgery called a Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA) on both ears – one at a time. Pepper’s owners had classic concerns about the surgery: “we don’t want to do it because we don’t want him to go deaf.” My reply was that most dogs don’t go deaf. And that even if he became deaf, it would be better than to be in constant pain. Although they were doubtful, his owners trusted me and we did two TECAs, about 1 month apart.
Pepper’s owner LH writes:
“I want to thank you so much for taking care of Pepper by giving him a new lease on life.
We were very reluctant to have you perform a Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA) on both his ears. We were scared that he wouldn't be able to hear, plus the idea of having him go through the procedure.
Turns out he can still hear after 2 TECAs.
We had a hard time believing you when you said he was in constant pain. Since they can't tell you, the only sign would be the shaking of his head. Today he is playing with his toys again, and running around like a little puppy. We have our "Pepper back."
Turns out he must have been in a lot of pain before surgery.
Thank you again for encouraging us and explaining to us the procedure.”

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