Yeager, from suffocation due to laryngeal paralysis to quality of life

Yeager, a 13 year old Lab mix, had surgery (a tie back) to treat laryngeal paralysis
Two months after surgery, Yeager’s family vet wrote: “Yeager is doing very well at home, goes for walks with the other dogs, just trots along, happy as can be - enjoys being able to breathe. His owner says he is so relieved that he had the surgery done because it has allowed him to enjoy these past several months.”

And Yeager’s owner PF, writes: “Yeager has been doing fine. He’s been going on some pretty long walks with us and his activity level has been very high for a 13 year old. I’m so happy that he can enjoy walking with Kimber and Milo.”
He concludes: “His quality of life is magnitudes better than before.”

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