A super nice thank you note almost 2 months after open chest surgery

Rori, a 12 year old Westie, had surgery to remove a tumor, believed to be cancerous, from her lung. Everybody was (happily shocked) when the biopsy revealed the tumor was benign. Almost 2 months after surgery, her owner DM writes:
“Hello Dr. Zeltzman, Hope you are well! Wanted to let you know that Rori is back to being her typical vivacious self, for the most part. I’m still a tad hesitant to let her go “full force” but I guess I will get over that at some point - LOL. I never expected her to recover so well, her resiliency was/is amazing. I especially thank you for your patience (with her human), and your skill, compassion, care and expertise in removing her lung tumor.
We as “pet parents” often have to put our trust in others to take care of our friends when “things” are out of our realm of experiences and skills, and I’m glad we had you to tend to her most serious of needs. With you heading the wonderful team at Berks Animal Emergency and Referral, I felt as confident as one could - given the high anxiety with the “probable outcome.” But? We all were greatly surprised and relieved at the pathology and grateful!
So again, I thank you most sincerely for being there and taking care of my precious girl Rori. Your kindness (and skill of course) will always be appreciated!”

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