Happy update 2 years after successful PRAA surgery

Hunter, a now 2 year old Beagle mix, had open chest surgery 2 years ago to correct a condition called megaesophagus, which was due to PRAA (Persistent Right Aortic Arch). He then barely weighed 5 lbs because he couldn’t keep any solid food down. He would regurgitate (which is different from vomiting).

His rescuer, MC, sent an update 2 years postop: “Good morning Dr. Zeltzman!! I wanted to pass along an update to you. When Hunter was surrendered to me, I knew immediately that he was gravely ill. I called so many places to try to get help and it was as if I had to jump through flaming hoops to get someone to believe how dire of a situation he was in.

You listened and believed the urgency in my voice and for that I am forever grateful. This week Hunter turned 2 and I wholeheartedly thank you for that. He was adopted out to a wonderful woman who doesn't care that he is just a little higher maintenance than the others. God bless your skilled hands and kind heart.

The picture on the left was the morning I dropped him off for surgery at Barton Heights Veterinary Hospital. They gave me that picture right before they took him to the back. To this day I think he was telling me everything would be ok. I feared that was the last time I'd see him. The picture on the right was taken yesterday by his new mom who loves him every bit as much as I do. Thank you again.”

To read more about Hunter, visit https://www.facebook.com/DrZeltzman/posts/935140643207699

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