A thank you note 9 years after Zoe’s amputation

Zoe, an 11 year old Old English Sheepdog, had a huge mass around her knee. The skin was unusually and profoundly bruised from the middle of the thigh to the foot. Biopsies revealed the most common type of bone cancer, osteosarcoma. Amputation was recommended. Then Zoe had chemo. She survived an amazing 3 1/2 years after surgery.

9 years later, her owner RR writes: “Thank you for giving us an extra 3 1/2 years with Zoe the Wonder Dog. (…) At age 11, she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the right hind leg. We went numb when you gave us our options. I remember you telling us that her age was not a disease as we contemplated putting an older Dog thru amputation and chemo. You were right. She came thru it all with flying colors and defied all odds. The only thing that stopped her was a second round of bone cancer in her right shoulder almost 4 years later. We will be forever grateful to you for the additional years we had with Zoe the Wonder Dog, our amazing Old English Sheepdog.”

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