Note after a TPLO on Brandy, the Dobie rescue

Brandy, a 6 year old rescued Dobie, had a TPLO to address an old tear of her ACL. After surgery and rehab, before letting her completely free, her “failed foster Mum” and now proud owner, SK, writes: “Brandy and her left leg have continued to do very well. She now has only the slightest limp at times in the evening. There is virtually no asymmetry in her musculature anymore. She has learned she can jump a little and will jump over small piles of leaves and has no trouble getting in and out of the car. She is an enthusiastic chaser of squirrels in the back yard, and can do so with confidence since she no longer risks falling with sudden turns. We continue with daily walks of at least a mile, mostly on long leash and she gets plenty more activity playing in the yard and the house-she is one high energy girl. Thank you.”

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