An update on Winston 4 months after TPLO for a torn ACL

Winston, a 4 year old Golden, had a TPLO to address a torn ACL. 4 months after the TPLO, his owner BC writes:
“Good morning Dr Zeltzman. You asked for me to email you on Winston’s final week of walking rehab. We are now on his 10th week.
He is doing great, walking, off lead in yard, (still watch him a lot). I’m a worry wart.
No more limping at all. I have been doing inside house steps very slowly, he does them great. Seems like he has more energy also.
I would say he is at 100% now, but I listen to you. Your way with rehab is great.
We want to thank you so much for being there and helping my fur baby, we love him so much.
Hopefully his right leg will be good, but if ever needed, it would definitely be you!!”

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