A Juicy update 6 months after a TPLO.

Juicy, an 8 year old Pitbull, had a TPLO to address a torn ACL.
6 months after surgery, her owner BK writes: “Hi Dr. Zeltzman, You did a TPLO surgery on my dog Juicy back in the beginning of November and I just wanted to let you know that 6 months later Juicy is doing phenomenal! She is back to her normal self and is enjoying life as a free dog again, chasing all bugs, birds, and neighbor dogs alike! She puts full weight on her left leg again and walks, runs (just as fast as she used to), and does steps with ease! I can’t thank you enough for giving her her freedom back and answering all my questions and, helping me to feel at ease before her surgery and during her recovery. My best friend is happy again because of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

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