Coco is doing great 4 months after kneecap dislocation surgery

Coco, a 3 year old French Bulldog, had surgery to repair a dislocated kneecap. Four months after surgery, her owner EB writes:
“Cocos’s leg is doing well, she's not favoring it. She has been jumping up and down on the sofa and has been going up and down one step between the kitchen and family.
I have not allowed her to go up my main stairs to my first and second floors. I have not allowed her to jump up and down on the bed where she sleeps (she’s pretty much trained not to do that). Because of the weather, I have been walking her one to two times daily for about 15 minutes, which is what she normally does (…).
She has free roaming of my kitchen and family room, that's where there's a small step in between and she negotiates it without any trouble. She has free roaming of my fenced-in backyard. She stands on a 12 inch wall and jumps up and down, with no trouble.”

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