Nice comments sent for World Veterinary Day (April 27, 2019)

. LA wrote: “Thank you for all you do. You have certainly made an impact and made a difference in our pets/our lives. Thank you!” (several gorgeous German shepherds)

. ME wrote: “You have no idea how grateful I am that you helped Emmie & Titters!!!” (Emmie the Golden had a TPLO and Titters the Maine Coone had skin cancer removed)

. CM wrote: “Thank you, Dr. Zeltzman!! You gave us two more years with our Hershey and performed a TPLO on our Julip. I will never forget your compassion and investment for their well being and recovery.” (Hershey had a rectal prolapse)

. RH wrote: “Thank YOU Dr. Zeltzman. You performed two TPLO on our Milo and he has since enjoyed 100% quality of life.”

. DG wrote: “My virtual hug to you for being so great at your job. You most definitely changed our lives because of what you did for Weezie.” (big armpit tumor)

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