Update on Oliver 4 months after jaw tumor removal

Oliver, a 9 year old Yorkie, had invasive surgery (partial mandibulectomy) to remove part of his lower jaw (mandible) because of a very aggressive cancer called malignant melanoma. We were able to get “clean margins” (cancer-free edges). Four months later, his owner AW writes:
“Hello Dr Zeltzman,
Just dropping you a line with an update on Oliver.
He had his checkup exam today and chest radiographs. I am extremely happy to report everything looks good , x-rays are clear and he is running around like a puppy playing, eating and is unaffected after his surgery.
He is back to eating his kibble (not softened) and chewing on his toys.
I cannot thank you enough for your patience, professional advice on how to proceed and your amazing skills as a surgeon.
Forever indebted.”

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