Killer's Story of Paralyzation and Luke's Story of Malignant Melanoma

We performed surgery on two dogs for the same family. Killer was a 3 year old Doxie who was completely paralyzed. He had spinal surgery in 2011, and is now walking and running.  Luke had aggressive cancer (malignant melanoma) in his lower jaw. Over half of his jaw was removed in June 2012.  Years after surgery, PA sends a note, along with a video of her dogs frolicking in the snow:

“I just took this  Thought you might like to see Killer in action, he turned 6 in October.  Luke is still doing well with his facial reconstruction, eats & drinks very well.  (…) His heart and lungs are still strong, he just turned 14.  We so appreciated you were able to extend their lives with quality & love.”

We can't thank you enough for what you were able to do for our little rug rat. (…)  He was a gift from one of our employees and he's the happiest dog we've ever had.”

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