Kikka's Story of Torn ACL and TPLO

Kikka, a 3 year old German Shepherd, had a TPLO to address a torn ACL ligament in her knee.  Four months after surgery and rehab, her owners write:

“Just wanted to give you a visual update on Kikka 16 weeks after surgery. Kikka is doing remarkably well and shows no signs that she ever had an issue with her left leg. She is fully active with the family. Her new favorite game to play with us is wiffle ball. She is the best outfielder. She has even learned to tag my son out when he runs the bases. This video was shot after playing for an hour so she's pretty tired here and not at her full level of play. The recovery period for Kikka was followed exactly and I can't stress enough how pleased we are with the outcome. We are excited that Kikka has recovered so well and we have decided to take her to Myrtle Beach, SC with us on vacation in July. We can't imagine leaving her at home or worse boarding her for the week. Thanks so much for the wonderful work you have done! (You) are (a) lifesaver!”

One year later, her owner  writes: “Words can not express the gratitude we have for performing TPLO surgery on Kikka 1 year ago. Kikka is doing amazing! You would never know she had surgery. She walks and runs perfect! We have since brought a friend home for her, Kramer. Kramer and Kikka run around and play all day. Our dog has a wonderful active life thanks to you.”


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