Super nice comment after Tanner’s toe amputation

Tanner, a 7 year old Havanese, needed an amputation of 2 toes in the back foot because of a tumor (Squamous Cell Carcinoma or SCC) that was literally eating the bone away.

After surgery, his owner MF writes: “Hi Dr Zeltzman, (…) I just wanted to say thank you again for providing the best care for Tanner and doing a wonderful surgery. He is at home resting. (…) Just wanted to update you and thank you again. I’m always at ease knowing you are performing the surgeries (on my pets). I worry more about the person monitoring the anesthesia. Also, thank you for always taking the time to explain what will be done and educating your clients on the procedures. I always learn something new from you. I never knew that certain digits support more of a dog’s weight. Now thanks to you I do.”

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