My furthest patient ever: Mae Mae, a Lab from Florida, is doing great after lar par surgery

This may be one of my craziest success stories ever: Mae Mae, a 10 year old Lab who had laryngeal paralysis (“lar par”), was traveling from Florida to NY State with her owner.
As they arrived in Pennsylvania, where I live, Mae Mae had a severe bout of suffocation. She had surgery (tie back) to allow her to breathe better.
The rest is a very long story (you can read the full story in her blog on this website).
After surgery, her owner KP wrote these incredibly kind words: “Great night sleep, for both of us. She’s doing well.
Her surgeon is perhaps the best Doctor I have ever dealt with whether for pets or humans. He has been incredibly attentive and responsive. Dr. Phil Zeltzman is the epitome of what a great Doctor should be — compassionate, attentive and the best in his field of expertise.
I have never had any Doctor spend that much time talking over things. It was impressive and greatly appreciated.”

You can read the full story of Mae Mae here:

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