4 successful TPLOs, 1 amazing pet owner and 1 fun video

Honey and her brother Otto, both 3 year old pit bulls, EACH had 2 TPLOs over 2 years to address ACL tears.
4 TPLOs in a row are a lot to handle!
6 months after the 4th surgery, their amazingly dedicated owner BB writes:
“I wanted to reach out to you and give you an update on Honey. She is doing great and had a great recovery from this surgery compared to her last. I'm walking Honey and Otto 3-5 times per week about 1-2 miles at a time depending on their energy levels. They get about 10-15 minutes off-leash in the yard when we return and I will slowly increase that time too. We are continuing the supplements as suggested.
I want to thank you so much for giving our dogs lives back!!
(…) I hope you're well and again thank you!!!”

BB sent this amazing video – the end result of her dedication and her love for her pups:


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