Grandpa Charlie had successful heart surgery

Charlie, a roughly 12 year old Yorkie, had open chest surgery to remove the sac around his heart (pericardectomy). A bleeding tumor was causing excessive pressure on his heart.
After surgery, his owner DW writes:
“Honestly, I felt very reassured by your discussions with me prior to surgery and you clearly laid out postop care. I felt calm the day of surgery knowing Charlie was in good hands. (…)
When Charlie came home, he (…) seemed to almost be his old self. He didn’t seem like he was in pain (we gave pain meds anyway!). He ate and drank fine. When going potty, he was eager to do more, wanting to get back to his walks though we said not yet!
(…) Charlie is doing marvelously well! He is eating, drinking and has a happy demeanor. (…) He seems comfy and happy! Overall, the experience went very well and all of our fears have been alleviated. We have our energetic Yorkshire Terrier back!
Thank you Dr. Zeltzman"

Read Charlie's full story here:

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