Harley's Story of Torn ACL and TPLO

Harley, a 7 year old Lab, had a TPLO to address a torn ACL in his knee. His owner GH writes:

“Harley has made remarkable improvements since you have last seen him. He has freedom of the whole yard and is walking normally without limping. There is no ball throwing or Frisbee catching and there never will be. He is at a satisfactory weight thanks to the diet. When Harley stands he bears weight on both hind legs and there are no signs of limping. If I look at his toes, he appears to put slightly more weight on the side that that was not repaired. Less than 2%.  (…) Harley prefers spend most of his outdoor time lying by my side. He's my sweet but lazy yellow lab. (…)

I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for Harley, and for us, his family. If it had not been for you and your orthopedic skills, Harley would have either lost his leg or maybe even put down. You are truly an extraordinary surgeon. Thank you Dr. Zeltzman for giving Harley back to us.”

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