Harry's Story of Difficulty Breathing due to Flat Face

Harry, an 8 year old Persian cat had difficulty breathing because of brachycephalic syndrome (due to his flat face). To help with his noisy breathing, we performed a “nose job” to widen his nostrils (rhinoplasty). It quickly solved all of his strange signs. His owner JS writes:
“Hi Dr. Zeltzman, Hope you are well. Wanted to give you an update on Harry. He has been doing very well. (…) He's eating and drinking and his spirits seem good. There has been no bleeding or discharge from his nasal area. And best of all, no noise. He still has a little "choking" noise when he eats a little, but not nearly as bad. Given the fact we are 5 days post-op, I'm very encouraged that what we did this week can be called a success.  (…)  Thanks again for your expert care and giving Harry a better quality of life.”

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