Lady's Story of ACL Tear

Lady L., an 11 year old Cockapoo, had surgery to fix an ACL tear in her knee. Six months after surgery, she writes: 
"Dear Dr. Zeltzman and staff,  It is nearly 6 months since you repaired my right ACL. Before the operation I was limping on my leg and I could not play like a normal dog. Since my operation I am now able to jump up high on my high legs, lay out straight on my tummy and play tug with my Daddy. I have also lost 2.5 lbs.  I just want to say THANK YOU very much for the professional job that you and your staff performed on my right leg and I want to THANK my regular veterinarian for doing the preliminary diagnosis and follow up and referring me to Berks Animal Emergency and Referral Center.  Yours Truly, Lady.
PS: typed by my Mommy and Daddy, as my paws are too big."

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