Toby's Story of Jaundice and Gallbladder Removal

Toby, a 10 year old Sheltie, had jaundice due to a condition in his gallbladder called a mucocele. His gallbladder had to be removed (aka a cholecystectomy). Amazingly, TWO years after surgery, his owner MP writes:
“Dr. Zeltzman, Just wanted to let you know that our Sheltie, Toby, is doing great.  You did surgery on him in July 2010 and removed his gallbladder.  Toby is very healthy and one would never know that he had surgery and that he is now 12 years old.  He has a wonderful quality of life.  Toby is a sweet and lovable dog and we are very glad that we made the decision to do the surgery.  Thank you for giving us additional years with our pet!”

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